Just being a company wasn’t enough for us from the start. When we started laying the foundations for our startup in early 2020, it should be the things that are most important to us. Creative freedom, independence, dynamism and diversity combined with the most modern possibilities of international trade. These should be the cornerstones of our endeavor.

2020 efficiency, sustainability, environmental friendliness

For us, the strategic planning of the project began in 2020. The idea was to build a modern company that would be able to participate in global trade right from the start. The focus was initially on fashion and lifestyle. The special challenge here was that we wanted to have our products produced in such a way that they are only manufactured at the moment when the customer has ordered them. In real time, without storage costs and still available worldwide. After we found appropriate trading partners in the USA, Europe and China who were even able to provide these services, the real work began for us.

2021 Pre-launch a betha version of Random Colours enter the web.

This year, a small team started to program the online presence and at the same time we started designing the first products. Then it was time, for the first test run. Will everything work as we thought it would, will the quality of our products be right, will the supply chains work, will there be errors in the programming. Of course, not everything worked right away, and improvements had to be made. The year was already coming to an end when we were satisfied enough to take the next step.

2022 become a company

Now it was a question of finding the right form and the perfect location for the new company. In the end we decided on Hong Hong, Random Colors HK limited was officially established.


As a further business area with its own online shop, we will trading in hydrogen, solar technology as well as fuel cell technology will be included in our trade range from 2023, with a special focus on the European market.


Power needs people


General Manager/Contact Person

  • shop@random-colours.com

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